Routes Asia

By Routes Content Team
A formal announcement has been made at CAPA World Aviation Summit confirming that Routes Asia 2025 will take place in Perth, Australia from 25th-27th March.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
The awards are highly regarded in the aviation industry for recognising marketing services that support new and existing air services, as well as excellence and innovation in the route development community.
Airports & Networks

By Routes Marketing Team
Routes Asia 2023 will cement the upwards trajectory already seen across the region’s aviation recovery.
Airports & Networks

By Routes Marketing Team
This year’s edition of the event in Chiang Mai will see the return of the Awards ceremony dedicated to recognising excellence in route development across Asia Pacific's airlines, airports and destinations.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
The removal of travel restrictions is spurring the recovery of international traffic for Routes Asia 2023 host Chiang Mai.
Airports & Networks

By Routes Marketing Team
Negotiate with senior network planners from Singapore Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, IndiGo, AirAsia Group and more at the region’s leading aviation event in Chiang Mai.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
Routes Asia, which is held in a different location each year, brings together airlines, airports and tourism authorities to discuss air service strategy and future networks. Half of the region’s new air services are connected to meetings at the event.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
Routes Asia will bring together decision makers to accelerate the region's recovery.
Airports & Networks

By Routes Marketing Team
The event will unite C-suite executives and senior decision makers whose expertise will inform critical business decision-making.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
The Routes Asia 2022 host has a burgeoning tourism industry, attracting about 8.7 million visitors in 2019—up by more than 13% on the previous 12 months.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Twenty airports and destinations have been recognised by the airline network planning community for their outstanding marketing achievements over the past twelve months.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
More than 830 hours of meetings, 1,000 delegates and in excess of 100 airlines saw the route development forum for the Asia Pacific region reach new heights.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Delegates attending the event are now able to access the platform and begin promoting their event activity to key targets.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
Over 85 of the region’s leading and fastest-growing airlines are now planning their meeting diaries for the event.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Hear from industry leaders and other aviation experts at the event next month.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Delegates are able to request meetings with their key airline targets, including Air China, Qatar Airways and AirAsia.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
Twenty-one airports and destinations have been recognised by the airline network planning community for their marketing support.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
The region’s leading airlines will be attending the event in March, including AirAsia, Air China and Cebu Pacific Air.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Over 60 carriers will be accepting meeting requests when scheduling opens this month.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Heavyweights from across the region will gather in Cebu City to share insight and debate the predicted outlook for the aviation industry in 2019 and beyond.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
Ahead of Routes Asia 2019, Erwin Balane, head of route development for The Philippine Department of Tourism, discusses why Cebu decided to host the event.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
Routes Asia 2019 host partner likely to break previous record for international passenger growth after opening of new terminal earlier in the year.
Airports & Networks

Routes' host and event management team document their recent site visit to the tropical destination for the 17th Routes Asia taking place next March.
Airports & Networks

By Alex Ofkants
Plan ahead to make the most of your time at the industry’s leading route development events.
Airports & Networks

By Nigel Mayes
The rapid growth of Asia’s commercial aviation sector has positioned the region among the largest and fastest-growing in the world, but coping with demand remains a challenge.
Airports & Networks