Lockheed Martin F-35

By Steve Trimble
The Air Force did not release the number of aircraft involved in the deployment, but an official photo showed four F-35As moving down a taxiway after landing at Al Dhafra.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
A U.S. Air Force F-35A crash-landed at Eglin AFB, Florida, on May 19, four days after the loss of an F-22 at the same location.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
The original schedule called for completing the stealthy fighter's Block 4 modernization program in 2024, but the timeline must be extended to 2026, the U.S. Government Accountability Office says.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
A top F-35 program official shared an operational anecdote highlighting the aircraft’s latent capability against surface-to-air missile systems.
Defense and Space

By Bradley Perrett, Steve Trimble
MHI does not expect the planned suspension of assembly operations to affect the delivery schedule.
Defense and Space

By Lee Hudson
“The really dangerous future” is autonomous drone warfare, SpaceX Founder Elon Musk said Feb. 28 during the annual Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando.
Air Warfare Symposium

By Lee Hudson
The nearly $4 billion in procurement reprogramming is taken from the U.S. Navy, Air Force, and National Guard.
Defense and Space

By Lee Hudson
The U.S. Marine Corps is halving its planned 2021 buy of F-35Bs to 10 jets, while the Navy is purchasing three fewer F-35Cs than in the previous year’s budget projection.
Defense and Space

By Steve Trimble
Poland becomes the first NATO country bordering Russian territory to adopt the stealth fighter.
Defense and Space

By Steve Trimble
The dedicated final assembly line for the F-35C is intended to overcome production delays that emerged in 2019.
Defense and Space

日本の防衛省は、Lockheed Martin社製F-35ライトニングのパイロットを訓練するために、明らかになっていない情報を求めています。
Aerospace & Defense

By Lee Hudson
The Pentagon continues to assess whether signing a five-year performance-based logistics (PBL) contract with Lockheed Martin is the most cost
Defense and Space

By Bradley Perrett
The Japanese Ministry of Defense is seeking information on an unspecified training system for Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning pilots.
Defense and Space

By Tony Osborne
The Swiss government has issued a second request for quotations for new combat aircraft and ground-based air defense systems.
Defense and Space

By Steve Trimble
U.S. Air Force will integrate the baseline version of the Northrop Grumman AARGM-ER on the Lockheed Martin F-35A, but as a testbed.
Defense and Space

By Tony Osborne
Contenders for Finland’s fighter competition will be put through their paces in January and February in the Nordic nation’s challenging climate. The
Defense and Space

By Jen DiMascio
The U.S. House on Dec. 17 passed a spending bill that will provide $693.3 billion to the Pentagon in fiscal 2020.
Defense and Space