International Air Transport Association (IATA)

By David Casey
IATA’ European Regional Vice President Rafael Schvartzman has welcomed the move, saying it will help to tackle passenger disruption at UK airports.
Airports & Networks

By Routes Content Team
We round up some of the key quotes from the conference programme of Routes Europe 2022.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
IATA's Rafael Schvartzman warns that EU measures will damage the competitiveness of European carriers if they are adopted in their current form.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By David Casey
IATA's Rafael Schvartzman warns that EU measures will damage the competitiveness of European carriers if they are adopted in their current form.
Airports & Networks

By Chen Chuanren
The way international airlines think about the greater Chinese market, including Hong Kong, has significantly changed over the course of the pandemic and the industry is now more wary of Beijing’s policies, according to IATA Director General Willie Walsh.
Airlines & Lessors

By Aaron Karp
Asia is lagging the recovery from COVID-19, complicating airline network restoration efforts.
Airports & Networks

By Aaron Karp
While airlines are reporting a strong demand environment going into the northern hemisphere summer, the full restoration of global airline networks is likely years away, IATA DG Willie Walsh told Aviation Week Network editors.
Airlines & Lessors

By David Casey
Routes details the latest new route announcements, as well as the services returning to carriers’ networks.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
The days of long-term relationships between airports and airlines are unlikely to return in the immediate future, according to IATA’s Regional VP for the Americas Peter Cerda.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Governments across the Americas need to “fundamentally change their mindset” and how they collaborate with the aviation industry otherwise the recovery will stall, delegates at Routes Americas 2022 in San Antonio have heard.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Routes Marketing Team
Routes Americas 2022 will facilitate collaboration between key aviation stakeholders.
Airports & Networks

By Chen Chuanren
The country began a staged reopening in November 2021.
Airports & Networks

By Aaron Karp
Willie Walsh concedes Asia-Pacific routes will be slow to recover.
Airports & Networks

By Helen Massy-Beresford
The European Commission will require airlines to use-or-lose more EU airport slots in the 2022 summer.
Airports & Networks

By Aaron Karp
Domestic flying in October greatly outpaced international operations.
Airports & Networks

ICAO calls for a “more measured” response by governments to the omicron variant of COVID-19.
Airports & Networks

By Helen Massy-Beresford
Short-term blanket travel bans imposed on certain countries are not good news for an aviation industry that is still in recovery mode and had dared to hope that governments would adopt a more data-driven approach in response to emerging variants.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By David Casey
A report from the trade body says the current framework for airport charges is 'no longer appropriate' for today’s industry.
Airports & Networks

By Karen Walker
At the association's AGM in Doha, Arab airlines offered a pessimistic forecast.
Airports & Networks

Luis Felipe de Oliveira, director general, ACI World
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
ACI Europe President Jost Lammers says airports will not be used as an “instrument of subsidization” for airlines.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
ACI Europe President Jost Lammers says airports will not be used as an “instrument of subsidization” for airlines.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
The UK Civil Aviation Authority will allow London Heathrow to raise passenger charges—but not as much as the airport had hoped for. The proposed increase has been branded “outrageous” by airline groups.
Airports & Networks

By Lori Ranson
With cargo demand projected to exceed 2019 levels both in 2021 and 2022, it’s not surprising that passenger airlines will continue to lean on their cargo operations to supplement their revenue for the foreseeable future.
Airlines & Lessors

By David Casey
Head of ACI World calls for unity after criticism from Willie Walsh on rising airport fees.
Airports & Networks