Workforce & Training

Nov 08, 2023
Chief Technical Officer Andy Best discusses British Airways’ shift in its operational perspective and its strategies on recruitment and sustainability targets.
Nov 06, 2023
Jordanian MRO provider Joramco is trying to meet demand for 300 new jobs at its upcoming widebody hangar in Amman.
Nov 03, 2023
Solving the industry’s problem requires applying all available resources—from industry, government and aviation education—to draw new talent to the field.
Nov 03, 2023
The Wings Club Foundation this year presented a record 17 scholarships totaling $250,000 to students pursuing careers in aviation.
Nov 02, 2023
Asia Digital Engineering’s new EASA Part 145 maintenance approval will help it boost MRO services outside the Asia-Pacific region.
Nov 02, 2023
Success in Lufthansa Technik’s components business is driving record results, alongside growth in workforce and new contracts.
Nov 02, 2023
The facility will enable the Australian airline to insource maintenance activities that have previously been performed in Europe.
Oct 27, 2023
The new program is currently partnering with multiple aviation companies to secure employment upon completion of the course.