Brazil Joins Latin American Maintenance Harmonization Effort

Azul A330-900
Azul A330-900
Credit: Airbus / Alexandre Doumenjou - Master Films

Brazil has joined Latin America’s Multinational Agreement for Aircraft Maintenance Organizations (AMOs), clearing the country’s approved repair stations to be certified by the other 11 member states with minimal additional regulatory red tape.

The move means Brazilian AMOs can serve operators from the 11 member states without certifications from individual regulators based on a single audit carried out by the Regional Safety Oversight Cooperation System (SRVSOP).

“Brazil’s aviation [industry] is recognized throughout the world for its quality and safety,”  Brazilian regulator ANAC CEO Juliano Noman said. “Our maintenance organizations have the ability to deliver excellent work to any air operator and this multinational agreement opens the door for that to happen.” 

Established in 2002, SRVSOP focuses on regulatory harmonization, producing related guidance and other documentation, training, and targeted technical assistance within member states. The harmonization effort has aligned 90% of maintenance safety and oversight regulations, ANAC said. Future tasks include focusing on air navigation services and the multinational certification of aircraft and components, it added. 

The 12 SRVSOP member states are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. 

Sean Broderick

Senior Air Transport & Safety Editor Sean Broderick covers aviation safety, MRO, and the airline business from Aviation Week Network's Washington, D.C. office.