Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Dec 18, 2020
Forecasts, snapshots and aircraft to watch.
Dec 18, 2020
Sanctions against Turkey’s SSB could taint the country’s future defense exports and stimulate it toward greater self-sufficiency.
Dec 18, 2020
A year ago, the U.S. military created its first new service since 1947. The Space Force is coming into its own, but fast enough?
Dec 18, 2020
When the world experiences a major economic slowdown, and we should expect similar pressures following the COVID-19-induced global recession
Dec 18, 2020
How regional defense plans are changing in the Middle East as Israel and Arab states work to isolate Iran.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

May 12, 2022
Norway is eyeing additional increases in defense spending in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
May 12, 2022
Finland’s prime minister and president have together said the Nordic country “must apply” for NATO membership “as a matter of urgency” to strengthen the country’s security. 
May 11, 2022
Several lawmakers are continuing to raise concerns about the decision to base U.S. Space Command’s headquarters in Alabama even after the Defense Department Inspector General on May 10 issued its findings that the Air Force’s choice was reasonable.
May 11, 2022
The U.S. Navy already appears to be wavering on its plan to divest five squadrons of Boeing EA-18G electronic attack jets over the next three years, with the squadrons remaining in demand and a lack of capacity in carrier-based units to pick up the slack. 
May 11, 2022
The UK has agreed to mutual defense pacts with Finland and Sweden that would see the UK help defend the Nordic nations if attacked.
May 10, 2022
The South Korean Air Force is preparing to purchase 60 additional fighters to replace older aircraft five years sooner than planned. The service operates about 100 F-4s and F-5s. It plans to operate the F-4s until 2024 and the F-5s until 2031, which would keep the older aircraft in use for more than 40 years.
May 09, 2022
Russian President Vladimir Putin has again blamed the West and NATO for the war in Ukraine in comments that drew scorn from Western leaders. 
May 09, 2022
Australia has moved ahead with plans to acquire Apache attack helicopters and will further bolster the country’s fleet of MH-60R maritime helicopters, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced.