Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

May 28, 2021
Special Operations Forces face a difficult decision on the A/MH-6 replacement, depending on the Army’s choice for FARA.
May 26, 2021
New life extension program for 32-year-old Trident II D5 aims to keep the submarine-launched ballistic missile in the inventory to 2084
May 25, 2021
Another clash over the Army’s proposals to defer CH-47F Block II production is brewing as fiscal 2022 budget drops.
May 25, 2021
A short-term debate over replacing the Minuteman III has raised fundamental questions about the land-based leg of the nuclear triad.
May 21, 2021
MH-47G buy is the first phase in UK Chinook fleet modernization.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Aug 26, 2022
Canberra wants the 40 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawks to replace its fleet of problematic NHIndustries NH90 helicopters, known locally as MRH90 Taipans.
Aug 26, 2022
Austria’s Airpower Airshow claims to have secured the European debut of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force with the participation of an X’ian Y-20 airlifter.
Aug 25, 2022
The Pentagon is implementing a new plan to avoid civilian casualties in air strikes and other combat operations, with steps such as creating a new data system for sharing information on potential civilian harm and incorporating new guidance into military training, exercises and doctrine.
Aug 24, 2022
U.S. aircraft struck infrastructure sites reportedly belonging to Iranian-backed militias on Aug. 23 more than a week after American troops were targeted in an attack that a U.S. official said was directly linked to Tehran by, among other things, wreckage of Iranian-made drones.
Aug 24, 2022
The White House announced its largest-yet tranche of aid for Ukraine on Aug. 24.
Aug 19, 2022
The U.S. government will donate additional Bell AH-1Z and UH-1Y helicopters to the Czech Republic as the Eastern European country bolsters its armed forces in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 
Aug 19, 2022
The U.S. Air Force is beginning discussions with the Army and Navy on ways to collaborate to better protect its bases, especially in the Pacific region, under a new focus on base defense as it looks for different ways to safeguard its installations at home.
Aug 18, 2022
The U.S. Air Force is the only one of three services to ground the Bell Boeing V-22, with the Marine Corps and Navy saying they will keep the tiltrotor flying with precautions.