Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Aug 13, 2021
With no evidence of a single explanation, phenomenon requires study by multidisciplinary scientists, engineers and instrumentalists.
Aug 12, 2021
Joint Staff industry day; Hypersonic test center; Avalon Airshow nixed; U.S. picks launch companies; Smallsats ready for servicing role.
Aug 10, 2021
Eurofighter nations green-light incremental upgrade package; LTE midlife update plans still await agreement.
Aug 05, 2021
The U.S. is not the only country seeking to protect security-relevant businesses.
Aug 05, 2021
The Galileo Project was established to scout unidentified aerial phenomena following Pentagon report.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Oct 12, 2022
The U.S. must effectively compete with China through military modernization, including strengthening the defense industrial base, broad military modernization and new technologies in space, the Biden administration outlines in a long-awaited National Security Strategy. 
Oct 11, 2022
U.S. Foreign Military Sales rebounded to about $50 billion in fiscal 2022, driven largely by assistance to the Ukrainian military’s fight against Russia but also the world’s emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic and potential threats in the Indo-Pacific region, according to the director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
Oct 11, 2022
A joint UK/Qatari squadron set up to train personnel from the Arabian Gulf state on the Eurofighter Typhoon has deployed to the Middle East to protect the upcoming World Cup football tournament.
Oct 10, 2022
A week before the 60th anniversary of the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the geopolitical environment has completely changed, yet fear is rising again about a nuclear conflict between Russia and NATO.
Oct 10, 2022
Deliveries were halted after the discovery of a Chinese supplier at a low level of the supply chain, but a waiver has now been granted that applies to those F-35s awaiting delivery.
Oct 07, 2022
The KC-46’s new remote vision system will not be operational until October 2025, a 19-month delay from the previous plan as the U.S. Air Force and Boeing negotiate subcontractor development timelines as well as both service and FAA airworthiness processes.
Oct 06, 2022
The U.S., Japan and South Korea are responding to increased tensions following multiple North Korean ballistic missile launches this week with a series of air drills and missile defense exercises in the region.
Oct 06, 2022
The Nordic country follows a growing trend of European nations strengthening their defense budgets to reflect the new regional security situation.