Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Dec 10, 2021
U.S. Defense Department strikes a balance between raising tensions with Beijing and its case for urgent modernization.
Dec 09, 2021
Turkey’s vision of becoming one of the world’s great arms exporters is being boosted by the country’s UAV technologies.
Dec 08, 2021
A 13-year-old process finally concludes in 2022 with the contract award for the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft.
Dec 07, 2021
A guide to leaders shaping military programs in 2022.
Dec 07, 2021
The SDA’s Tranche 0 is slated to launch next September, one month before the agency officially joins the Space Force.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Dec 01, 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has confirmed the threat posed from long-range fires such as ballistic and cruise missiles.
Dec 01, 2022
The arrangement emerges as KAI reportedly pursues the potential sale of as many as 100 T-50 Golden Eagle jet trainers to the Egyptian Air Force.
Dec 01, 2022
Thailand is among the last Gripen users to embark on the upgrade, primarily due to a lack of funding.
Nov 30, 2022
Shifting space debris tracking to the Commerce Department will free Spacecom up to focus on the “why” of movement in space.
Nov 30, 2022
The operator hopes to attract government money to build other new satellites.
Nov 30, 2022
The milestone approval keeps the Saab Gripen E on track to enter service next year with the Brazilian Air Force and in 2025 with the Swedish Air Force.
Nov 30, 2022
First delivery of the Boeing E-7 Wedgetail airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft to the RAF has been pushed back 12 months.
Nov 30, 2022
Japan is set to increase its Boeing KC-46A Pegasus tanker fleet from four aircraft to six.