Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Mar 04, 2022
Russia’s invasion has reawakened Western democracies and shown the limits of brute force.
Mar 03, 2022
Yuzhmash survives Russia’s opening strikes, but the Ukrainian company’s business may be disrupted for the long term.
Mar 03, 2022
Turkish Aerospace eyes “aggressive price policy” for international sales of indigenous Gokbey twin-engine medium rotorcraft.
Mar 03, 2022
Russia’s actions appear to have healed NATO and EU rifts and roused German aims of becoming a pillar of European defense.
Mar 03, 2022
The 15-nation partnership faces its strongest challenge amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Jan 13, 2023
The Pentagon announced the signing of two agreements following a meeting of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Japanese Minister of Defense Yasukazu Hamada.
Jan 12, 2023
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Jan. 12 released its latest congressionally mandated unclassified annual report on UAP.
Jan 12, 2023
France has begun the hunt for a new maritime patrol aircraft by issuing feasibility studies to Airbus and Dassault for potential platforms.
Jan 12, 2023
The UK and Japan have signed a defense cooperation deal enabling them to deploy forces into each other’s countries.
Jan 11, 2023
The Pentagon is transitioning the existing artillery-focused 12th Marine Regiment to the 12th Marine Littoral Regiment in Okinawa by 2025.
Jan 11, 2023
Key members of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) are not worried about potential defense spending cuts in the coming year.
Jan 11, 2023
Dassault Aviation has resumed deliveries of Rafale combat aircraft to France after a four-year hiatus.
Jan 11, 2023
The French Air and Space Force has begun to discuss operations in the 20-100 km altitude range.