Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Sep 27, 2023
Byron Callan and Sam Bendett join to discuss the Pentagon’s initiative to manufacture masses of uncrewed vehicles with an eye on the Indo-Pacific theater.
Sep 27, 2023
Two long-range weapon systems are coming online to extend the reach of ground-launch fires far beyond the 300-km limit of the Army Tactical Missile System.
Sep 26, 2023
The Pentagon develops a concept to flood the Taiwan Strait with a horde of drones to confuse Chinese countermeasures.
Sep 21, 2023
Facing tight deadlines and a rapid pace of development, GCAP’s industry partners seek the right ingredients for a joint workflow.
Sep 21, 2023
Top officials argue the service cannot push too far on autonomy, warning of requirements creep dragging down the schedule and increasing costs.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Nov 13, 2023
Hon Hai Precision Manufacturing Co. is pivoting to the space economy in a bid to diversify its revenue sources.
Nov 13, 2023
Kendall took over the Air Force in July 2021 and in the early stages began work on this series of “operational imperatives.”
Nov 13, 2023
Mass production of Ching Tien, literally meaning Sky Raiser, has begun, as have deliveries, Taiwanese paper Liberty Times reports.
Nov 12, 2023
A brief visual reference to the MQ-9B kicked off the Dubai International Air Chiefs Conference on Nov. 12.
Nov 08, 2023
Geopolitical tensions, particularly Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are driving the strongest defense market demand since 2008-09.
Nov 07, 2023
The panelists spoke Nov. 7 during a discussion on the first day of Aviation Week’s A&D Programs event in Washington.
Nov 07, 2023
The five aircraft touched down at the Fetești air base near Constanta, Romania, on Nov. 7, ahead of the formal opening of the European F-16 Training Center.
Nov 07, 2023
The proposals to develop further missions for the Gripen are part of updated military advice provided to Stockholm by commander-in-chief General Micael Bydén.