Defense Aircraft & Propulsion

Jun 03, 2021
The Rafale ousted Israeli Boeing F-16 and Saab Gripen offers in Croatia’s fighter contest.
May 29, 2021
A major programs summary with totals and changes for aircraft-related programs, systems and weapons.
May 28, 2021
Special Operations Forces face a difficult decision on the A/MH-6 replacement, depending on the Army’s choice for FARA.
May 27, 2021
Russian S-500 production; combatant chief supports tanker retirements; UK chooses U.S. weapon; South Korean missile development.
May 26, 2021
Model-based systems engineering is emerging as a potential solution to aerospace’s slow, costly processes.
Apr 10, 2023
The Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense fired a catapult rocket motor for fighter aircraft ejection seats on April 1.
Apr 07, 2023
Connecticut lawmakers are frustrated that they still have not received a briefing from the Army that explains their reasoning for selecting Bell's FLRAA bid.
Apr 06, 2023
The decision by the Government Accountability Office clears Bell to resume development of the V-280 Valor tiltrotor for the FLRAA program.
Apr 05, 2023
The allegations have come out more than 13 months after Russian and Ukrainian forces fought a battle around Hostomel airport in the first hours of the invasion.
Apr 05, 2023
The 5-hr., 1-min. flight was the 10th of the Roc carrier aircraft and the third captive carry flight of the drop test Talon-A vehicle, TA-0.
Apr 04, 2023
The U.S. Navy and Air Force are close to an agreement to share control of the uncrewed systems the two services want to fly alongside future fighters.
Apr 04, 2023
A prototype of the basketball-sized XTS-210 engine is planned for delivery to the U.S. Army in 2024.
Apr 03, 2023
The F-35’s Joint Program Office relies on the oldest F-35s to conduct tests for the most modern upgrades for the fleet.