Latest COVID-19 News and Analysis

Jun 21, 2021
The Hong Kong government intends to further ease entry requirements imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cutting quarantine periods down to a week for most vaccinated travelers.
Jun 18, 2021
International Airlines Group (IAG) and Virgin Atlantic have put their support behind legal action that is challenging the lack of transparency around how the UK government classifies countries under its traffic light framework.
Jun 18, 2021
A study from the European Travel Commission (ETC) indicates that 70% of respondents are planning to travel in the next six months, up from 56% in February.
Jun 18, 2021
The development is welcome news for airlines on both sides of the pond hoping for a recovery in transatlantic travel.
Jun 17, 2021
Irish LCC Ryanair, Manchester Airports Group (MAG) and other unnamed major UK airlines are backing a court case against the UK government’s traffic-light system of coronavirus travel restrictions.
Jun 17, 2021
Travelers fully vaccinated against COVID-19 should not be subject to testing or quarantine except in particular circumstances, according to EASA and the European Center for Disease Control.
Jun 16, 2021
British Airways (BA) CEO Sean Doyle has appealed to the UK government to take advantage of the country’s successful COVID-19 vaccine roll-out to restart air services. 
Jun 16, 2021
Created as part of the American Rescue Plan Act signed into law in March 2021, the program makes available $3 billion in total payroll support for aviation manufacturing companies that furloughed workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.