Latest COVID-19 News and Analysis

Aug 10, 2021
The 2021 second quarter marked a turning point in the North American air travel recovery, as major airlines reported their first quarterly net profits since the COVID-19 pandemic devastated travel demand in March 2020.
Aug 10, 2021
The backers of a proposed new Indian LCC are expected to achieve the first step in the approval process soon and they are also believed to be in talks with manufacturers regarding narrowbody orders.
Aug 10, 2021
The future of Asian LCC narrowbody orders is a key question for airlines, lessors and manufacturers.
Aug 09, 2021
United Airlines became the first U.S. legacy carrier to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees, as the delta coronavirus variant sweeps through North America and threatens the ongoing recovery in air travel demand.
Aug 09, 2021
Auckland Airport plans to begin work on a major terminal relocation project in 2022, following delays caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
Aug 09, 2021
As network carriers report improvements in booking trends in recent weeks, hopes grow for a full reopening of transatlantic travel.
Aug 06, 2021
Companies are customizing aviation maintenance training through technology and tailored programs to reach a wider pool of future technicians.
Aug 06, 2021
The group’s director general Subhas Menon said countries should look at sustainable ways to maintain air traffic corridors instead of the “start-stop” measures seen so far.