Rupa Haria

Senior Director, Group Digital Content Strategy, Aviation Week Network

London, UK


Rupa leads the Aviation Week Network's digital content strategy, content marketing and audience engagement.

Since joining in 2010, Rupa has ushered Aviation Week into a more mobile, social and digitally interactive era. She leads a team that has won several awards for excellence in digital content and social media.

Previously, she led multi-stakeholder communications at London City Airport where she was responsible for a number of high profile campaigns. Prior to that, she worked in brand communications and public relations roles in the business and leisure travel industry.


Rupa Haria
The U.K. suffers from the heaviest taxes on flying in the world, its airport infrastructure is decaying, and its planning process to revitalize air transport is appallingly difficult. As a result, the country’s leading airport, Heathrow, continues to head toward secondary hub status in Europe. Yet, the coalition government is failing to properly address strained capacity at Heathrow Airport and beyond. The question on many minds is: What will come first, a new government or a proper aviation policy?

Rupa Haria, Jens Flottau
Virgin Atlantic says it will withhold payment of fees to BAA’s London Heathrow Airport following the four-day operational disruption caused by adverse weather in December 2010. The airline says it is awaiting the outcome of a BAA-led inquiry into the airport’s handling of the snow disruption.

Rupa Haria, Frank Jackman
The European Commission again is criticizing European airports over the handling of recent disruptions caused by heavy snowfall and is suggesting that it may have to set minimum service requirements for airports. The airports, however, say they “are doing their utmost” to maintain operations and assist stranded passengers, and blasted attempts by some media outlets to equate the current situation with the fallout from last spring’s volcanic eruption in Iceland.