Richard Aboulafia

Managing Director, Aerodynamic Advisory

Washington, DC


Contributing columnist Richard Aboulafia is managing director at Aerodynamic Advisory. He is based in Washington.


Richard Aboulafia (Teal Group Corp.)
Rotorcraft, like many other segments of the aerospace industry, have always been subject to nationalism and closed borders. Despite pressures in favor of globalization, rotorcraft markets are increasingly politicized.

Richard Aboulafia (Teal Group Corp.)
The military transport market underwent a major change in 2003. For decades, European countries have failed to spend more than token funds on dedicated military lift. But in May, Europe's Occar (Organisation Conjoint de Cooperation en matiere d'Armement) arms agency signed the firm procurement contract launching production of the Airbus Military Co.'s A400M.

Richard Aboulafia (Teal Group Corp.)
After two years of depression in the business jet market, it's natural to begin scanning the horizon for change. Unfortunately, there are few signs of a return to prosperity for what had been the best aviation growth sector in decades. The worst news concerns used aircraft availability and pricing. Reports show just over 2,000 turbine-powered business aircraft are on the market, out of a total fleet of about 13,300. Pricing also remains soft, with many airplanes selling at an average 20% less than their 2000 peaks.