Richard Aboulafia

Managing Director, Aerodynamic Advisory

Washington, DC


Contributing columnist Richard Aboulafia is managing director at Aerodynamic Advisory. He is based in Washington.


Richard Aboulafia
Has as a new jetliner ever been launched as reluctantly as the 777X? Boeing usually prefers to follow its competitors in new product development, waiting until it can create a “killer” for a given segment. The 777X, like the original 777, looks set to enter service several years after the competition, in this case the A350-1000. But while the 777 became a category killer, this time the late-adapter approach may have significant disadvantages.

Richard Aboulafia
In 2012, deliveries of large commercial jets manufactured by Airbus and Boeing exceeded $88 billion in value, at estimated prices, up 57% since 2008. During that same four-year period, the global economy had its worst years since World War II. The macroeconomic recovery has been anemic, and demand for air travel only marginally better. While airline revenue passenger kilometers grew 6.9% in 2010 following a 3.5% decline in 2009, growth eased to just 5.3% in 2011.

Richard Aboulafia
Dislike Boeing's decision to follow Airbus and reengine its single-aisle product? You are not alone. Many analysts and commentators have expressed disappointment.