Mal Gormley



Mal Gormley
Now that Atlanta-based SeaGil Software has tied the knot with Marietta, Ga.-based Flight Watch International, the maker of BART scheduling/dispatching software is busy making further refinements of this Windows-based management system. The company is currently integrating its FLAP (automated flight analysis program) into its BART suite. SeaGil President Anthony Byrne says the company is also looking to integrate a moving map system and voice-activated flightcrew log accessing.

Mal Gormley
Harris Corporation of Melbourne, Fla., which developed a weather satellite data access system for the U.S. military and weather processing systems for use by FAA meteorologists, has created a sophisticated new weather and flight planning system for general aviation.

Mal Gormley
Yet another company has launched an on-line flight tracking system., a full-service on-line business travel and reservations service, has introduced its FlightTracker service at Visitors to the site can view up to 20 aircraft and five airports at a time. Queries by airline flight number give tabular displays of a flight's status, showing departure airport, destination, tail number or airline and flight number, ETD, ETA, flight status (i.e., ``In Flight''), distance to destination, and closest city, altitude and speed.