Mal Gormley



Edited By Robert A. SearlesMal Gormley
Echo Flight, Inc. has tapped DTN Kavouras Weather Services ( to provide current and forecast weather for display on Echo Flight's StratoCHEETAH Flight Manager II GPS moving map and datalink system, which made its debut at the 1998 Experimental Aircraft Association show in Oshkosh. The addition of DTN's weather services enables pilots to obtain recent radar returns from ground radars and current meteorological information on airport conditions anywhere in the United States.

Edited By Robert A. SearlesMal Gormley
Computer-based training software developer S2 Software ( of Troy, Ala., has added several models to its line of PC-based training programs. The newest models include the Hawker 700, 800 and 800XP, in addition to the Citation I and II. The company also is developing similar programs for the Gulfstream II.

Edited By Robert A. SearlesMal Gormley
Air Routing's new Flight Manager system will be a boon to any flight department with a need to keep close tabs on the status of the flight planning and handling details that go into international trips, as well as the flight itself once it is underway.