Kim Minseok

South Korea Correspondent

Seoul, South Korea


Kim Minseok covers South Korean defense. He has worked as a journalist for South Korean military magazines Military Review and Defense Times. Mr Kim is also a research fellow at the Korea Defense and Security Forum, a think tank.


By Kim Minseok
South Korea’s Agency for Defense Development says it intends to equip its Korean Unmanned System-Loyal Wingman prototype the Ukrainian Ivchenko-Progress AI-322.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Kim Minseok
A prototype of the ESR-500A AESA radar intended to replace the the FA-50 light fighter’s EL/M-2032 radar has been revealed by LIG Nex1 and KAI.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Kim Minseok
Polish defense prime Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa is eager to participate in South Korea’s KF-21 fighter program.
Aircraft & Propulsion