Kent Jackson


Kent Jackson is founder and managing partner of Jetlaw. He has contributed this legal column to BCA since 1998 and is also a type-rated airline transport pilot, flight instructor and repairman.


Kent Jackson
I think that the FAA would answer that this is a mechanic's job, because this function is not listed in Part 43, Appendix A, is part of a (rather important) flight control system and the function is described in the maintenance manual, not the pilot operating handbook. If you operate under Part 135, then I think the FAA would be especially strict in viewing this as a mechanic function. If the helicopter is experimental, or the manufacturer specifically authorizes a pilot to perform this function, then the pilot could do so.

Kent Jackson
Yes, all maintenance must be logged, even preventative maintenance by pilots. Column space is limited, and because I had to abbreviate the approved preventative maintenance list, I didn't have room to write about maintenance entries. I frequently speak at IA renewal seminars, and I find that even mechanics tend to be too brief in their entries, so I suspect that pilots would be worse.