David Esler



David Esler
Honeywell Aerospace’s engine division has been active the last three years testing its business aviation engines and airline APUs on 50/50 blends of biofuel and military JP8 jet fuel.

David Esler
Efforts to remove lead from aviation gasoline date from the mid-1970s when the first unleaded and low-lead fuels were introduced by refiners in response to the Clean Air Act. The initiative to qualify some light aircraft piston engines for operation on automotive fuel (“mogas”) stemmed from that era, as well.

David Esler
How best to avoid a collision or incident with a UAV today? “Pay attention to the NOTAMs,” advises Kurt Barnhard, Ph.D., director of Kansas State University’s College of Technology and Aviation. “We are required to notify the pilot community 48 hours before we operate,” Barnhard said, referring to the test and training flights KSU students are conducting with smaller surveillance UAVs near the Salina campus.