David Esler



David Esler
Business aviation operators, both private and commercial, have the NBAA's Security Council, among other aviation advocacy entities, to thank for the currently harmonious relationship with the TSA.
Business Aviation

David Esler
The NBAA website contains a useful primer on the Twelve-Five Standard Security Program. Here is an excerpt providing a concise history of the security protocol:
Business Aviation

David Esler
Belize Belize is the only Central American country that was not solely a Spanish colony, with Spain and Great Britain disputing rule over the territory in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1854, it officially became the colony of British Honduras, and remained so until it achieved independence in 1981 and became Belize. (The independence process was inhibited by a border dispute with Guatemala, which continues toward a so-far unscheduled referendum in both states to determine whether to refer the conflict to the International Court of Justice at The Hague.)
Business Aviation