David Esler



David Esler
While the objective of the North Atlantic Data Link Mandate is safety, data link equipage is also the enabling technology for reduced lateral and longitudinal separation (RLongSM) programs that will be introduced in the immediate future in the North Atlantic Track System. As such, it is expected to facilitate increased capacity and offer operators more options for preferential flight levels and tracks. Here is a description of the separation reduction programs and phased introduction schedules:
Business Aviation

David Esler
To “unleash the potential for development of innovative civil applications” for unmanned aircraft in Europe, a 2012 European Commission white paper stated, “the first priority is to achieve a safe integration of RPAS [Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems] into the European air system as soon as possible.”
Business Aviation

By David Esler david.esler@comcast.net
Not long from now, it is likely you will receive an instruction like this from the control tower of a U.S. civil airport: "You are number two to land, Runway Two-Seven Right, behind the UAV on short final. Say contact.”
Business Aviation