David Esler



By David Esler
As 2014 drew to an end, a lawsuit against a group of California FBOs and fuel distributors filed three years earlier by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) over sale of leaded avgas was settled through an agreement preventing what could have resulted in grounding almost all piston-powered aviation in the state.
Business Aviation

By David Esler
The archipelago nation of the Philippines has had a long relationship with the United States dating from the end of the Spanish-American war in 1898 when the islands were ceded to the U.S. as a protectorate, in effect, becoming an American colony and Southeast Asian outpost.
Business Aviation

By David Esler
It's one of your worst nightmares. You’ve captained a trip to a remote area of an African country, and your first officer and one of the executive passengers have contracted a local disease — maybe dengue fever, but you’re not sure. The trip came up fast, and researching disease hazards and health care infrastructure was definitely not on your mind. But it sure is now, as you scramble to cope with a situation you never had time to envision.
Business Aviation