David Esler



David Esler
“One of the first things we tell our clients is to make themselves part of the company,” advises Lillian Tamm, a vice president at Avicor Aviation, an Oswego, Ore.-based consultancy specializing in corporate travel assessments.

David Esler
“The basic solution for the future [of European ATM] is to let the users drive how they like to fly, which in turn is driven by the concept of ‘business trajectory,’” Eurocontrol’s Bo Redeborn told us, describing some of the payoffs of Single European Sky. A Swede residing in Brussels, where Eurocontrol is located, Redeborn is a senior director of cooperative network design — and up to his ears in SESAR definition.

David Esler
Face it, John Grillo recommends: It’s going to be a smaller charter industry but with improved economies of scale.