Alan Dron

Europe & Middle East Correspondent, Air Transport World

London, UK


Based in London, Alan is Europe & Middle East correspondent at Air Transport World.

A daily newspaper journalist in the UK and Middle East for 15 years, he then joined the UK's most successful corporate publishing company before setting up his own company in 2004. He has worked with ATW since 2014.


By Alan Dron
The UK regulator aims to deliver faster, quieter and cleaner journeys, while creating more capacity in the airspace system.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Alan Dron
A London court has said that Austrian airline Laudamotion was entitled to refuse to accept aircraft from lessors during the pandemic.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Alan Dron
Ryanair Group has begun the task of equipping its fleet of more than 400 Boeing 737-800s with sets of Split Scimitar winglets.
Aircraft & Propulsion