Providing delegates with a valuable insight into key air service development issues currently affecting the commercial aviation community, the conference will bring together senior leaders from the route development and aviation industries, to engage in thought-provoking discussion that will set the commercial and political agenda for the aviation industry, in the coming 12-18 months.
Read on to see which topics will be discussed over the three-day conference programme.
Day 1: Morning
How airports can become economic and innovation hubs within a destination
This session will explore airports’ capacity to become central to the economic and innovation enablers for the wider city, country and region.
Opening Address by Steven Small, Brand Director, Routes
Hear more about why Routes is taking place in Guangzhou as well as what you can expect over the course of the event.
Day 1: Afternoon
Opening up global skies
Skies across the world are changing. What regulatory changes are opening up new markets or presenting challenges? Which countries could roll back open skies?
In focus: The long-haul low-cost business model
Hear from our expert line-up of airline professionals on what you need to know when exploring the potential for long-haul low-cost services – and how to keep operators once you get them.
How traffic forecasts can help you secure new routes
This session will explore how to utilise appropriate market data, help you understand how successful your target route can be and offer tips on how to pitch to airlines
Airport cities: creating a working aerotropolis
In this case study delegates will hear how airlines and airports can work collaboratively with the manufacturing, logistics leasing corporations among many others to share lessons from the innovative Chinese city of Guangzhou.
Day 2: Morning
Smart cities and airport integration
Our panel of experts will outline how Big Data can bring together the airport, smart city, transportation, tourist and logistics industries to create a coherent and unified transport network.
Technology in Aviation: 10 years in the future
What is in store over the next 10 years? What are the new innovations that will change the marketplace forever?
Day 2: Afternoon
CEO Keynote Interview
Hear directly from Mr Tan Wan Geng, the president and CEO of China Southern Airlines. Mr Tan will be discussing the airline’s major plans for the next few years, including its network strategy and how it aims to maintain its position as Asia’s market-leading airline.
Efficient use of Aircraft wet leasing to improve fleet utilisation, profitability and flexibility
Andy Peirce, Regional Leasing Manager, ACMI24
Heavyweight Debate - How to make your destination unique amid global competition
Learn from industry leaders’ best practice examples on how your destination can create a unique offer and grow sustainably.
How can the fastest-growing markets overcome the challenges they face?
What is behind the fast growth in some markets? How can India and China cope with the demand? Is enough being done to face up to infrastructure challenges?
Day 3: Morning
The power of social media marketing – How to improve your revenue
Learn how airports and airlines can take advantage of the social media trend to maximise their revenue opportunities in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.
Why cargo is essential to your airport
This session will explore how you can evaluate the opportunities that exist, giving practical information on how to maximise the benefits of air freight.
Aircraft technology – reshaping the industry
Hear from some of the figures at the forefront of innovation and how manufacturers are pushing the boundaries of aircraft development.
Sponsoring the conference programme is Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., a Chinese multinational company best known for producing mobile phones and other telecommunications equipment. Based in Shenzen in the Guangdong province, it is the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world and the second largest producer of mobile phones. Commonly debated, the correct way of pronouncing Huawei is “Hwa-Way”.