Aerospace Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Apr 20, 2023
Airbus’ success in China may be about more than politics.
Apr 19, 2023
Brazil’s largest defense company studies options for partnering on next-generation fighters and developing light utility transports.
Apr 18, 2023
Industry developing new ways to help pilots, but some ideas are meeting resistance.
Apr 17, 2023
Deliveries have plummeted and Airbus is doubling down with a new assembly line. Analysts Sash Tusa and Richard Aboulafia join Aviation Week editors to discuss.
Apr 14, 2023
Benefits of bulk buys; VC-25 replacement delayed; Embraer’s European pitch; and Boeing to fly new prototype on WGS-11 satellite.
Sep 06, 2022
The move signals the growing importance of electric power in new aircraft designs.
Sep 04, 2022
The funding was awarded by the U.S. Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration.
Sep 02, 2022
Transferring integrated model-based system engineering (MBE) tools for aircraft design and production to the commercial sector is no slam-dunk.
Sep 01, 2022
Problems with a part wearing prematurely led CFM International to recommend special monitoring of a Leap-1B performance parameter, and European regulators will mandate the work.
Sep 01, 2022
The largest Russian manufacturer of commercial aircraft has seen its first-half losses increase tenfold.
Aug 31, 2022
Mecachrome has completed the takeover of the WeAre Group, a significant step in the consolidation of the French supply chain.
Aug 22, 2022
Heads Up Technologies has bought fellow aircraft cabin lighting supplier STG Aerospace for its "concept-to-certification capability and extensive intellectual property."
Aug 19, 2022
The company plans to convert its biorefinery in Houston to into a SAF hub, producing 250 million gal. per year by 2025.