Connected Aerospace

Feb 06, 2018
Honeywell Aerospace is developing ways to make flying the crowded skies more efficient and even safer, as growth of air transport in Asia-Pacific and China outpaces the rest of the world.
Feb 06, 2018
Thales is keen to emphasize the importance of integrating cybersecurity thinking across all parts of the aviation ecosystem - civil and military, in the air or on the ground.
Jan 31, 2018
Global Eagle aims to launch a Ka-band satellite-based inflight connectivity service to complement its Airconnect Ku service, regrouping after recent travails.
Jan 26, 2018
Satellite providers are hosting new satellites and adding high-throughput capacity to existing networks to better position themselves for airlines’ inflight-connectivity needs.
Jan 24, 2018
U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine describes a domain-wide system that would continuously monitor the airspace to identify risks.

Premium Connected Aerospace News

Nov 02, 2016
The business aviation sector is increasingly coming to the attention of cybercriminals and hackers.
Oct 31, 2016
Some business aircraft operators are holding off on making a decision on Ka band equipment. But with such strong competition from Inmarsat and Viasat, operators likely will be the big winners.
Oct 27, 2016
How to master automation, communications, navigation, systems and the rest when you are a crew of one.
Oct 27, 2016
Universal Avionics' InSight Integrated Flight Deck system allowed the writer to instantly form a mental image of our proximity to terrain and obstacles.
Oct 25, 2016
Bombardier WAVE (Wireless Access Virtually Everywhere) Ka-band high-speed internet is now available for Global business aircraft at all Bombardier Service Centers, the company said. Bombardier was awarded a supplemental type certificate for installation on all Bombardier Global 5000 and Global 600 aircraft and previous Global aircraft as a retrofit, the company said. A Global 5000 aircraft was the first customer aircraft to feature a retrofit installation of the Bombardier WAVE at Bombardier's Singapore Service Center.
Oct 25, 2016
Gogo is overhauling its ground-based connectivity system over the U.S. and Canada to bring inflight speeds in line with its satellite-based offering.
Oct 23, 2016
B/E's products include seating, food and beverage preparation and storage equipment, lighting and oxygen systems, and modular galley and lavatory systems.
Oct 18, 2016
Aurora Flight Sciences is flying a Cessna Caravan fitted with a robotic copilot as part of a Darpa program to demonstrate automation that could reduce the crew required to fly existing aircraft.