Connected Aerospace

Dec 07, 2018
InSight is designed to study what exists from about 1 mi. beneath the planet’s surface to its metal core, some 1,000 mi. below.
Dec 04, 2018
After winning the T-X contract, Boeing expects to prepare generations of Air Force pilots to fly fourth- and fifth-generation aircraft.
Dec 04, 2018
Devised with Palantir Technologies, Airbus’ Skywise data-sharing and analysis platform enables connecting information that used to be found in silos.
Dec 03, 2018
Software providers and OEMs have a joint responsibility to ensure that small and medium-size suppliers gain access to the simulation and modeling tools.
Nov 30, 2018
A pair of briefcase-size satellites prove a “bring your own” communications relay option for deep-space missions.

Premium Connected Aerospace News

Dec 07, 2017
Understanding how Industry 4.0—including simulation, sensors and virtual reality—will transform aviation manufacturing and product life cycles.
Nov 21, 2017
Action on the air-to-ground connectivity front continues unabated.
Nov 21, 2017
The entire information industrial complex is seeing enormous genuine potential in artificial intelligence, big data and machine-learning.
Nov 21, 2017
Aircraft systems monitoring and reporting is on the cutting edge of the digital age, recording and reporting everything from oil pressure at takeoff compared with the previous 49 takeoffs, to detecting faults in a sensor itself.
Nov 21, 2017
Astronautics has completed the preliminary design review for its new connectivity platform for the Astronautics Air-Ground Communications System for Airbus Helicopters.
Nov 14, 2017
With digital threats to air traffic on the rise, the aviation-connectivity specialist Satcom Direct has unveiled a series of linked cybersecurity offerings for aviation customers.
Nov 14, 2017
Approval of the UAE’s request to buy the F-35 hinges on the Gulf nation’s agreeing to take steps to protect the fighter’s sensitive technology and vast data bank of critical information.
Nov 13, 2017
At the Dubai Airshow yesterday, a French company and a Swiss airline captain showed how pilots can tap the lessons of the past through their aircraft's flight data monitoring system.