Connected Aerospace

May 07, 2019
While the legacy avionics business that supplies a wide array of electronics for major aircraft OEMs remains intact, execs say Collins is at a transition point.
Mar 27, 2019
Air navigation service providers begin space-based ADS-B trial.
Mar 04, 2019
Half a decade following the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, an international tracking system is still being built.
Jan 16, 2019
The Iridium constellation will provide global tracking and communications capabilities not previously available to commercial aviation.
Jan 07, 2019
Airbus is making the most of new communications technologies to help carriers share safety information.

Premium Connected Aerospace News

Feb 26, 2018
The FAA deadline for equipping aircraft with Automatic Dependent Survillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is fast approaching. There are many upgrades programs available to help you meet the Jan. 1, 2020, mandated deadline for ADS-B and Future Air Navigation System-1/A.
Feb 06, 2018
Honeywell Aerospace is developing ways to make flying the crowded skies more efficient and even safer, as growth of air transport in Asia-Pacific and China outpaces the rest of the world.
Feb 06, 2018
Thales is keen to emphasize the importance of integrating cybersecurity thinking across all parts of the aviation ecosystem - civil and military, in the air or on the ground.
Jan 23, 2018
Future technologies for MRO were up for discussion at Airline E&M Middle East in Dubai.
Jan 23, 2018
Engine mechanics will be able to log diagnosis observations just by speaking.
Dec 21, 2017
Two years out from its mandate for aircraft to equip for ADS-B Out position reporting, the FAA is grappling with a significant level of misinstalled avionics.
Dec 21, 2017
Jan. 1, 2020, seems like a long way off, but if you remember previous FAA mandates, the industry experienced huge backlogs because there simply was not enough hangar space.
Dec 20, 2017
The FAA will craft a proposed regulation from the recommendations of a broad-based advisory group that met this summer to consider ways to remotely identify and track drones. However, the group ultimately could not agree on a weight or capability threshold that would trigger the tracking requirement.